Why Us?

Eco Friendly and Sustainable

Our products are manufactured out of recycled plastic making them the most environmentally friendly and durable in the market place


We have 25 years of experience of designing, selling and installing playground equipment to schools and other establishments so you are in safe hands!

Research and Development

A long five years has been spent developing, building and testing out our product range as well as installing the equipment ourselves into playground settings. We wanted to ensure that we were offering a high quality product which was filling a major gap in the play equipment market place

Quality and Choice

We only use materials and components which are of the highest quality and which we have spent the past couple of years road testing

Customer Service

As we are a trade only supplier, we fully understand that having a successful working relationship with our partners is paramount to the success of our business. We therefore ensure that we will support you every step of the way to make sure that you have the best opportunity to make a sale

Co-operative Marketing

We can work with you to create a co-operative marketing campaign and can provide you with live leads generated from our other websites


If your customer needs assistance in obtaining funding and grants for their equipment, we can help them identify potential grant providers and funding possibilities

Made In the UK

Not overseas – the products are made here in the UK. We are proud of this fact.

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