Terms and Conditions

By accessing this website and/or placing an order, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below.

  1. Production and delivery lead times are calculated from the date of receipt of your signed order acknowledgement and deposit/full account payment.  Lead times can change on a daily basis dependent upon our order book.
  2. No order shall be deemed to have been accepted by Inspire Play UK Ltd until a signed order acknowledgement has been signed and received and the required deposit/full payment made. The purchaser shall be entirely responsible for ensuring that your order is accurate and for providing us with such information as we require to complete the order.
  3. We will not be liable or responsible to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under a contract that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (Force Majeure event). A Force Majeure event includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control.
  4. Inspire Play UK Ltd reserve the right to change product specification without notice.
  5. If the purchaser is in breach of any conditions relating to these terms, Inspire Play UK Ltd may cease their trading arrangement and will recover all losses incurred from such a breach.
  6. The risk of damage or loss of products shall be at the purchaser’s risk from the time of delivery or collection from our premises.
  7. Goods supplied by the company to the purchaser shall remain the sole and absolute property of the company as legal and equitable owner until such time as the purchaser shall have paid the full price of the goods set in the invoice. The company reserves the right to enter any of the purchaser’s premises for the purposes of searching for, examining, marking or removing any goods which have been supplied by the company but which have not been paid for. Until such time as the title passes to the purchaser, Inspire Play UK Ltd shall also be entitled to request that the purchaser returns the Goods, at their cost, to their premises.
  8. Deposits paid are non-refundable.
  9. Payment terms are strictly 15 days from the date of the invoice unless otherwise specified on your Order Acknowledgement. Inspire Play UK Ltd reserves the right to enforce the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 and its subsequent amendments, and retains the right to levy additional charges at its discretion if terms are exceeded. Where special discount terms are quoted, the terms must be strictly adhered to. Inspire Play UK Ltd has the right to refuse a credit account for any customer it sees as a potential risk.
  10. Orders placed through third party contractors will require full payment prior to installation.
  11. We reserve the right, at any time, to increase the price of our goods and/or services in the event of any variation in the cost to ourselves in supplying the same, or any part thereof, caused by any reason whatsoever beyond our control.
  12. Errors and Omissions excepted “E&OE”.
  13. Except where indicated, our prices do not include for delivery on the UK mainland unless otherwise stated. Please enquire for a quote for delivery.
  14. Order changes and cancellations. All products are manufactured by Inspire Play UK Ltd specifically for your order.  Inspire Play UK Ltd will be deemed to have accepted the customer’s order when a written order acknowledgement has been written and signed with a deposit payment. As a result of this, no order which has been accepted by us may be cancelled by you except with our written agreement and on terms that you shall indemnify us in full against all loss (including loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labour and materials used), damages, charges and expenses incurred by us as a result of cancellation.

Our order cancellation policy is as follows:- If the goods are not procured/manufactured cancellation will be charged at 0% of the ex VAT order value. If raw materials for the goods have been procured but the goods have not been manufactured cancellation will be charged at 40% of the ex-VAT order value. If the goods have been manufactured but not yet dispatched cancellation will be charged at 80% of the ex VAT order value.

If the goods have been dispatched cancellation will be charged at 100% of the ex VAT order value.

  1. Inspire Play UK Ltd maintains its prices to be competitive. Inspire Play UK Ltd aims to be open and honest; we will not set high prices in order to set up a lower artificial “Sale” price at a later date.  Please note that we are based in the UK and our site shows all prices exclusive of VAT at the current rate.
  2. All website design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof and all software complications, underlying source code, software (including applets) and all other material on this website are the copyright of Inspire Play UK Ltd and its affliates or their content and technology providers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  Any use of materials on this web site, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or re publication without the prior written permission of Inspire Play UK Ltd is strictly prohibited.
  3. Where Inspire Play UK Ltd is asked to manufacture or supply Goods to the customer’s own specification, Inspire Play UK Ltd will not be held responsible for any non-compliance to the relative standards for those Goods and is not responsible for the actual suitability of those Goods for the purpose being used.
  4. Copyright in all drawings or tracings prepared by Inspire Play UK Ltd are the Company’s property and copyright and must be regarded as confidential. Such drawings or tracings must not be published or disclosed under any circumstances without the Company’s permission in writing.
  5. You shall make all arrangements to take delivery of the Goods whenever they are intended for delivery (including outside of normal hours). You must ensure that an authorised representative is present at the time of delivery in order to ensure access and take delivery.
  6. Where the Goods are to be delivered by instalments, each instalment shall constitute a separate contract into which these Conditions shall be incorporated. Failure by us to deliver any instalment shall not entitle you to treat these Conditions as repudiated.
  7. Any dates quoted for delivery of the Goods are approximate only and we shall not be liable for any delay in delivery of the Goods howsoever caused. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence unless previously agreed in writing by us.
  8. You shall be required to ensure all the Goods are present at the time of delivery and you may be required to sign for the delivery. A full breakdown of the Goods will be provided upon delivery. It is your responsibility to ensure the Goods are checked in their entirety. We will not accept responsibility for shortage or damage of Goods once they have been signed for. If Goods are accepted from a carrier without being checked or signed for as unchecked, we will take no responsibility for any damages or shortages.
  9. No claim for damage in transit, shortage of delivery or loss of Goods or materials will be entertained unless, in the case of damaged in transit or shortage of delivery, a separate notice in writing is given within 48 hours of receipt of the Goods.
  10. We may deliver the Goods in advance of the quoted delivery date upon giving you reasonable notice. You must advise us at the time of placing your order if this is not acceptable as subsequent variations will affect the delivery date and price.
  11. If you fail to take delivery of the Goods or fail to give us adequate delivery instructions at the time stated for delivery, then we reserve the right to: a) store the Goods until actual delivery date and charge you for reasonable storage b) sell the Goods at the best price readily obtainable and after deducting all reasonable storage and selling expenses account to you for the excess over the agreed price or charge you for any price shortfall.
  12. We shall only accept the return of any Goods of faulty manufacture within seven days of the date of delivery and such Goods shall be returned with written notification which must state the nature of the fault of each item and the invoice number in relation to the purchase of each item. All transportation charges relating to the return of Goods will be borne by you unless otherwise agreed in writing and the risk in the Goods shall remain with you until the Goods are received by us.
  13. We will at our discretion replace whenever possible Goods found to be of faulty manufacture after examination provided that the Goods have been returned in accordance with these Conditions. We will return Goods after examinations if they have found to have no fault or defect.
  14. The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to which the parties submit.

Warranties and Guarantees

All Parts and Components – One Year Guarantee

Inspire Play UK Ltd guarantees that if any of the components used in the manufacture of our play equipment products fails due to a manufacturing defect or defects in workmanship or materials within one year from date of invoice, we will make available a replacement component free of charge*.

Ropes and Nets – Two Year Guarantee

All rope components are manufactured by third-party suppliers to our specifications. Ropes are

made from nylon with steel core with either aluminium or plastic interconnecting junctions. In   normal conditions and general use these ropes and associated components are extremely durable, however with misuse their lifespan can be reduced.

Ropes and interconnecting junctions carry a two-year guarantee from date of invoice. During this period, any manufacturing defects or defects in workmanship or materials would be covered by our third party supplier and Inspire Play UK Ltd will organize a replacement part to be made available free of charge*.

Misuse of rope components, accidental or intended damage or acts of vandalism is not covered by this guarantee.

Bolts, Nuts and Fixings – Two Year Guarantee

All interconnecting components such as bolts, nuts, washers, fixings and caps are manufactured by a third party supplier and supplied to Inspire Play Ltd as per our specifications.

All components within this category carry a two-year guarantee from date of invoice. During this period, any manufacturing defects or defects in workmanship or materials would be covered by our third party supplier and Inspire Play UK Ltd will organize a replacement part to be made available free of charge*.

Misuse and accidental or intentional removal or damage of components is not covered by this guarantee.

HDPE Products and Plastic Slides – Five Year Guarantee

Any HDPE or plastic components are purchased from a third party supplier. Slides are not modified from the original manufacturer and our units are designed to fit the manufacturer’s fitting specifications.

HDPE is bought in sheet form and using internal CNC technology is cut and shaped to the appropriate design – this includes any routing or engraving onto the HDPE.

Both HDPE and Plastic Slides carry a five-year guarantee against source manufacturing defects and discoloration due to UV Radiation. During this period, any source manufacturing defects, defects in workmanship or materials or discoloration due to UV radiation would be covered by our third party supplier and we will organize a replacement part to be made available free of charge*. The guarantee does not cover misuse, vandalism or intentional/accidental destruction.


Main Unit – Steel Components – Five Year Guarantee

Steel components used as part of the main design or structure are protected from corrosion by a process called ‘powder coating’. The steel is shot blasted to remove any scale or loose particles from its surface, a layer of zinc powder primer is then applied to give additional protection, finally a layer of polyester powder is applied as a top coating to add colour to the product and to give maximum protection against deterioration. The polyester powder coating is applied to a minimum depth of 75 microns, corrosion Class 3 (conforming to BSEN 6497). This meets with DF412 and is tested to 150 3758 (salt spray and grid cut tested to DIN 50017).

Steel components can have an additional process of galvanizing at additional cost and if specified at the point of ordering the unit. Galvanizing does not increase the length of the guarantee and is an option recommended for harsher environments such as units sited in coastal areas for example.

These components carry a five year guarantee from date of invoice. This guarantee covers the re-shot blasting, primer coating and powder coating of the equipment only. In certain circumstances, Inspire Play UK Ltd may elect to replace the component in its entirety; however we reserve the right to make the final decision as to whether to repair or replace the effected components.


Recycled Plastic Guarantee – Fifteen Year Guarantee

Recycled plastic is made from segregated waste plastic and is purchased from a third party supplier. Our supplier endeavours to remove as much non-plastic contamination as possible from its input material but occasionally small pieces of metal foil can be incorporated in the profiles, posts, boards, and planks. Product dimensions and colour can vary slightly due to the nature of process and input material. Our supplier’s input material is low grade waste plastic which means that there is wide variety of different plastics which are reprocessed in the recycling process. Different plastics melt at different temperatures but in order to maintain consistent strength and rigidity, our supplier processes at a consistent temperature. For this reason, recycled plastic products will evidence small pieces of non-melt plastic which can be of different colours to the main profile. This does not affect the integrity or strength of the product.

Plastic will expand in the heat and contract again when it cools.

Inspire Play UK Ltd offers a fifteen year guarantee component exchange guarantee on its products, subject to fair wear and tear, users following installation advice and recommendations and assuming reasonable care with installation and suitability of product for the application.

Guarantee Exemptions

We recommend every unit is annually inspected and all nuts and bolts are ‘nip tightened’ to compensate for any micro-movements in the plastic caused by general use or expansion and contraction due to weathering. Guarantees are only valid if the applicable items have been correctly maintained and inspected in accordance with our recommendations and the annual inspections are logged by the unit’ owners or by the managers of the site where the unit is situated.

The components and plastic would not be guaranteed against any misuse, or if they have been subjected to neglect, accidents or vandalism. Any failures resulting from vandalism, abnormal use, incorrect installation or lack of maintenance is not covered by this guarantee.

For any claim against premature failure of any component or plastic, proof of purchase will need to be provided to Inspire Play UK Ltd either in the form of the original purchase order or the dated invoice for the unit. Inspire Play UK Ltd reserves the right to refuse any claim without the production of these documents should the need arise.

*Inspire Play UK Ltd are not responsible for any costs relating to the dismantling, uplifting any goods from site, reassembling, returning the goods to site, any additional transport costs or any consequential loss whatsoever.

© Copyright - Inspire Play